Addwings Delicate Touch EPoS System 本页下部中文解说

Our customers can download upgrades, user's manuals, list of new features etc from this site. All downloaded files are locked and you have to ask Addwings for passwords to unpack them for use. Click on the following links and select a destination to save the file(s).

  1. Upgrade to version 4.03
  2. Instructions for updating your system
  3. List of new features with the latest update
  4. User's Manual for Restaurant in PDF format
  5. User's Manual for Take Away in PDF format
  6. Adobe Reader 6.0 (install this first if you can not open the above PDF files)
  7. TeamViewer Version 9 
Please contact Addwings if what you need is not listed above. 


  1. 升级版本 4.03
  2. 升级说明和演示
  3. 列出升级性功能
  4. PDF格式餐馆使用说明书
  5. PDF格式外卖使用说明书
  6. Adobe PDF 阅读器软件
  7. TeamViewer Version 9.0